Building a Hemp Business Online
It’s been rather interesting for us here at Acme Hemp Labs while we’ve been building our hemp business, not only online but offline. We’ve been a dominate force for many in the industry not only in hemp but the marijuana side of things as well. Being we’ve helped bring industry leaders like Folium Biosciences to River Rock and even SwisherSweets and many others the much needed guidance and expertise that Acme Hemp is all about.
So just like eveyone knows there are offline challenges for business (duh)… but know that it’s similar online, we’ve been trying to figure out social media and how to properly promote a hemp based business. Although hemp is completely legal at least at a Federal level we’ve been having some issues within platforms like Instagram. We had a fairly active instagram back last year but it got deleted for selling marijuana. Well, we don’t sell marijuana and there was no where on any of our posts saying so.
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But, guess what?
Instagram DOESN’T CARE!
Events for Marijuana and Hemp in Denver
Recently I was at the Indo Expo and attended an Instagram event where the speaker listed TONS of things that you must avoid when using the platform. Well he made a killer arguement showing WHY you need to be on Instagram right now. BUT at the same time if you’re a marijuana or hemp business, you’re going to constantly be in fear of the landlord from busting down your door and killing your party.
Now in his way of doing things he showed some product here and there in his feed, but he said that you need to avoid doing business over DM, over comments, you shouldn’t post prices etc. BUT, I also found another MJ Instagram marketer who says to NEVER even show your product. So what is it? How do you make this mess of Instagram work for you? Well this is what I’m doing…
I have burner accounts that I use with different IP addresses and I still try to maintain inside the rules of Instagram but on these burner accounts I link over to our main Instagram page which is going to be kosher, both sides of things just showing the team, events etc. However I will be posting some of our product images because I see the instagram page not working very well unless people understand what we do. And that’s just a risk reward I need to play out here.
But the burners are for posting a lot more of the product images and mentioning the main page. These burner accounts are for slightly suggesting business with other instagramers. But here I will not add prices or a list of products or any kind of information that could come back to bite the account in the butt.
SEO Marketing Online for Hemp and Marijuana
When it comes to SEO, well that’s been easy. Being I’ve been in the industry for almost as long as the hemp and marijuana industry I’ve been studying Search Engine Optimization through some of the best mentorship groups available to the public, which were not cheap, but guess who ranks for hemp cigars/hemp cigar? We do. Yes we are the better choice and sure that’s my opinion but, who do you know whose been working hemp and marijuana cigars for 10 years? We’re the best because we’ve paid the price and I firmly believe with all my heart we deserve to be number 1…
But guess what?
Google Doesn’t CARE!
So learning SEO is super helpful with your business online because although social media is the next generation when it comes to the internet, search WILL ALWAYS be apart of the internet, you can have much more control through SEO despite yes, again you’re building your house on someone elses lawn (to quote the Instagram Marketer at Indo Expo) but unless you actually provoke a response physically by Google you’re riding the way of their algorithm.
So here is a few things you can do offline and online:
1st Get your social accounts and brand the hell out of yourself, most companies at best have a twitter, instagram or facebook… not all of them, if you were to brand yourself across the net through the top even just 10-20 social profiles you’d be ahead of the curve. So what about Acme Hemp Labs? Well in total we probably have a 1000+ social profiles pointing to our website to better brand our name and what we are doing. Safe…? Always. Will never not be safe. Who the hell is going to tell businesses to not go about the internet and advertise themselves and use other websites?
Well if Google did that it would shoot itself in the foot for taking down REAL BUSINESSES, which would leave the spammers to run the internet.
You can hire me and my SEO team to help you do this or you can learn to do it. Visit Honorable SEO and you’ll see a tid bit about what I do called “Ranking through Branding“. I teach and sell the service. It’s about the same amount for both however if you learn how to do it you can do it over and over again. So it’s worth it.
2nd thing is to go to events and promote yourself, get a booth etc.
3rd use your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest etc and follow the rules as carefully as possible but know that sometimes you got to weigh the risks of pushing yourself out there futher with some of these. I’m mostly talking about Instagram. Other platforms seem to not really care as much about that, again unless you’re doing something you shouldn’t. I would follow some of these rules at least a little bit and bit a bit less aggressive, but in turn enjoy a long life of your social accounts.
Here is a few of ours (We’ll be getting our new Instagram built back up after getting deleted):
Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter
You can also follow us on our YouTube Channel.
If you would like to work with us in a Wholesale or Affiliate manner please read out page about that here.
If you’d like to try these products you can visit our hemp cigar page here.
Once our Podcast start we are looking for people in the industry to speak with so if you’d like to consider someone or yourself please reach out here.
–Acme Hemp Labs
Bro, you just nailed it! I’ll contact you I’d love your help with our hemp business online.
So I read that you said that we need to be careful with instagram, that’s great to know we’ve been wondering why we’ve been going through so many instagram accounts for our hemp business.
I tried SEO before but I must be doing it wrong, I think my hemp and CBD businesses was going backwards after that. I think though I was doing something Google didn’t like. Can I contact you about this?
Hi Sam,
Just saw your comment so I’m gonna shoot it out while it’s on my mind.
It seems you might be messing around with what is considered blackhat SEO,
which is a total no no in Googles eyes, and for the most part should be avoided
especially for new SEOs who are not familiar with how SEO works and what you
can get away with.
You can reach out to me at my SEO business Honorable SEO, search it in Google
or I think there is a link above. I can help you from there.
Thank you for reaching out,
Nathan Scheer
Hey who do I talk to about possibly getting wholesale in New Zealand?
Hi Kevin,
You can go to the top of the menu and click contact or hold over and it will fold out and you will see Wholesale. Click that and fill out the wholesale application and we can get you setup as long as we can actually ship it to New Zealand. You would be the first honestly.
Thank you,
Acme Hemp Labs